GTExome is a tool to connect genotype expression data to exome data by filtering the
GTEx database for specific TPM ranges in different
tissue types to get a list of genes. From the list of genes, you can view the exome data
sourced from
To go directly to
refold a protein you must have an Ensemble ENSG number and mutation info (CCID). To get a list of
mutations for a protein use the
exac tab and enter a gnomad valid protein name.
GTEX Directions:
1. Select 'Filter By TPM Ratio' or 'Filter By TPM Range'.
2. Add tissue types from the left list by clicking the plus button.
a. If 'Filter By TPM Ratio' is selected. Choose a lower and upper bound for the ratio to filter by
or leave blank for unbounded lower/upper range.
Ratio calculated by summing the TPM of selected tissues as the numerator and the sum of
non-selected tissues as the denominator.
b. If 'Filter By TPM Range' is selected. For each selected tissue, enter a lower and upper bound
for the expression in TPM.
4. Hit the Submit button once you are done.
5. You will be redirected to a results page with a list of genes available in csv format.
6. Each Gene ID is a link to exome data available in csv format.